Do you want to apply for FESCO new connection or change the existing connection? The process of getting a new connection is very easy. Just read these easy steps carefully.
You can also check FESCO Online Bill here.
FESCO New Connection Online Apply:
Apply for a new electricity connection online using ENC (Electricity New Connection system). You should have these documents as mentioned below when applying.
● Attested CNIC copy of Applicant
● Attested CNIC copy of witness
● Copy of Property Document
● Neighbors FESCO Electricity Bill copy
When you have all these documents ready you can start your online application.
- Step1: Visit official website > ENC
- Step2: Click on the apply button as highlighted below.

- Step3: After clicking on the apply button, a menu will be opened. Here you will be asked for few information like company, category type, sub division and reference number.
- Step4: Select Connection Category according to your electricity load usage as highlighted below:

If you require a connection for residential purposes, you should select the “Domestic” connection type. Moreover, If you need a connection for Industrial, Agriculture, Tube well, you can select the corresponding connection type.
- Step5: After Selecting Connection type, Now it’s time to enter your personal details.
In personal information you will be asked to enter the following information which includes Applicant’s Particulars information and contact information.
Applicant’s Particulars:
- If you are the owner of property where you want a new connection, then select the ‘Landlord’ option. However, if you’re a tenant, then select the option ‘Tenant’.
- Enter your full name in the “Applicant’s Name” field, and your father’s or husband’s name in the second field.
- If you are a Pakistani citizen, select the first option under the citizenship column. Enter your CNIC number and provide the address mentioned on your CNIC in the respective fields.
- Enter your mobile number in the “Mobile No1”. You can provide your father’s or husband’s number in the “Mobile No2”.

Contact Personal Information:
If you are applying for the connection for yourself, you can select the checkbox labeled “Same as Above“. This will automatically fill out the contact details section with the information you previously entered in the above section.

Also, Fill in Premises information given below the Contact Person Information section.

Now attach your scanned documents and review the form to ensure that all the information provided is correct before submitting it.
After agreeing terms and conditions and solving the mentioned captcha, click “on ”Submit“‘ button and your application for a new connection will be submitted.
FESCO New Connection Tracking:
On Successful submission of your online application, a “Tracking ID” will be generated. It will help you to check status of your new meter connection online.
Click here to track your application > Application Tracking

Now Select Company name as FESCO and enter your tracking id or CNIC number and click on submit button. So, that’s how you can track your fesco new connection application as well.
- Demand notice will be available after verification of your documents. You can download the demand notice by entering your tracking Id on the ENC website.
- Pay the demand notice to the designated bank.
- Send the paid copy of the demand notice to the concerned office.
- After verification of payment, a New Connection will be installed.
Here’s the total Time Frame for New Connection:

Offline Application For FESCO New Connection:
You can also submit an application through the manual process for getting a new electricity connection. Visit the nearest Fesco office or Fesco customer service center in your city and get an application form for a new electricity connection from there.
Or you can download FESCO new connection application form from the link given below.
Fill out the application form with accurate and complete information. You will need to provide your name, address, contact information, type of connection (residential, commercial, or industrial), load requirement, and any other relevant details.

Submit all the necessary documents along with your application form at the Fesco office or Fesco customer service center and obtain your application diary number from the concerned officer.
After a few days of submitting the application form, the Fesco staff will conduct a survey at the place where an electricity connection is required and the report will be submitted to the department.
After all this process, you will be issued a demand notice by Fesco.
After receiving the demand notice, you should immediately submit it to the specified bank branch and keep a copy of it.
A few days after submitting the demand notice, a new meter for your new fesco connection will be installed.